As can be guessed from the name, this function provides an easy way
to manipulate grouped data. We can for instance find the number of
observations in the yields data set. The formula takes the form
where y
is the grouping variable(in this
case normal
). One can supply a formula as shown next.
# Load the yields dataset
#> Grouped By[1]: normal
#> normal height weight yield
#> 1 No 500 500 500
#> 2 Yes 500 500 500
#> Grouped By[2]: hp vs
#> hp vs cyl
#> 1 91 0 4
#> 2 110 0 12
#> 3 150 0 16
#> 4 175 0 22
#> 5 180 0 24
#> 6 205 0 8
This is useful when trying to find differences between rows. The
argument specifies how the subtractions are made
while the exclude
argument is used to specify classes that
should be removed before calculations are made. Using
performs a subtraction akin to
where x
is the row number.
head(rowdiff(yields,exclude = "factor",direction = "reverse"))
#> height weight yield
#> 1 NA NA NA
#> 2 -0.04212634 0.24042659 -15.808303
#> 3 0.01516059 0.09649856 11.170825
#> 4 0.25961718 0.03008764 6.578424
#> 5 -0.11495811 -0.02971837 -19.584090
#> 6 0.57638627 -0.42979818 6.825719
This allows the user to conveniently replace missing values. Current
options are ffill
which replaces with the next non-missing
value, samples
that samples the data and does replacement,
that allows one to fill NA
s with a
specific value. Other common mathematical methods like min
, sd
, etc are no
longer supported. They are now available with more flexibility in
standalone mde
head(na_replace(airquality, how="value", value="Missing"),8)
#> Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp Month Day
#> 1 41 190 7.4 67 5 1
#> 2 36 118 8.0 72 5 2
#> 3 12 149 12.6 74 5 3
#> 4 18 313 11.5 62 5 4
#> 5 Missing Missing 14.3 56 5 5
#> 6 28 Missing 14.9 66 5 6
#> 7 23 299 8.6 65 5 7
#> 8 19 99 13.8 59 5 8
This provides a convenient way to replace values by group.
test_df <- data.frame(A=c(NA,1,2,3), B=c(1,5,6,NA),groups=c("A","A","B","B"))
# Replace NAs by group
# replace with the next non NA by group.
na_replace_grouped(df=test_df,group_by_cols = "groups",how="ffill")
#> groups A B
#> 1 A 1 1
#> 2 A 1 5
#> 3 B 2 6
#> 4 B 3 6
The use of mean
,etc is no longer
supported. Use mde
instead which is focused on missingness.